Contracting Services.
Bridge Contruction
Specialize in design-build prefabricated steel panel bridge installation and concrete highway bridge rehabilitations. Clients include Nalcor, TI and CBPP.
Port Dredging, Wharf Rehabilitation.
Capable fleet of long reach excavators for shore based dredging. Multi-year contracts with Federal Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Road Building
Specialize in remote resource access road construction. Largest forestry resource road builder in NL. Clients include CBPP and various mineral exploration companies.
Municipal Waste & Recycling
Multi-year contract with WRWM hauling municipal waste from Western Newfoundland transfer stations to Norris Arm Landfill and Scotia Recycling in Corner Brook.
Trucking & Snow Clearing Services
Heavy haul specialists for equipment transportation.
Industrial Construction
Leveraging the shift to design-build based procurement, MCL has made strategic partnerships with engineering firms to expand into this field. Completed projects include Hew & Draw Hotel, Grace Lake Bridge and Roddickton Salt Shed.
Drilling Support Services
Morooka, CD110R Tracked Dumper, Prinoth Trooper or Husky. MCL has the specialized fleet to move equipment and people over any terrain.
Custom Fabrication
Capable hydraulic and welding shop in Deer Lake, NL. Custom fabrication for client specific needs i.e. tower holder, tracked diamond drill, winkie.